It’s Somebody’s Birthday

It’s Somebody’s Birthday


Our church has a service on Christmas morning at 10am, but unlike their mother, my children are not early risers. Therefore, by the time they have unwrapped their Santa presents, eaten breakfast and got dressed, Christmas morning has always been a bit of a rush.

Add to that the fact that we live 10 miles from our church, in an isolated rural location where the roads aren’t salted, then it becomes even more challenging to get four excited children/young people to church for 10am on Christmas morning.

For that reason, there have been some years where we have opted to have a family service together here in the house. On those occasions the planning and organising of the service generally fell on Leah’s shoulders, with some input from Miriam.

Here is Leah’s 2009 “Order of Service”


Leah’s choice of hymns varied from year to year but there was one song that she always insisted that we sang every year – “It’s Somebody’s Birthday” by Ian White.

Leah sang this song when she was a member of the Ballykelly Primary School Choir. Leah loved singing and she sang with a smile on her face. Leah also enjoyed singing in the Children’s Choir in our church during her Primary School years.

Every year when it was coming near Christmas, Leah could be heard singing:

“It’s somebody’s birthday I won’t forget,
As I open the things that I get.
I’ll remember the inn and the stable so bare,
And Jesus who once lay there.”

4 thoughts on “It’s Somebody’s Birthday

  1. I honestly love reading about Leah! She was such a special young lady, with such a deep insight into life and such a love for Jesus. Beautiful but sore memories, I am sure.xx


  2. Awh thanks Oana, thing is, even though I know that Leah’s safe with Jesus, it still hurts so terribly much to live without her and I cry more tears than I ever would have known it was humanly possible to cry 💔😥


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