Eight Years

Eight Years

1997 ~ 2014

Eight years since we last hugged, laughed, chatted, prayed and listened to music together. Missing Leah continues to hurt so very much, but the sharp edges of my grief have softened and the pain has become more bearable. Some days are harder than others, especially when there’s family get togethers or significant events, where Leah’s absence feels so real and so painful.

A few days ago I opened an email from author Sarah Geringer, where she describes creating her Vision Board for 2022. I hadn’t really heard of such a thing before, so I did a bit more reading on the topic. I came across this definition here:

A vision board is a visual reminder of the goals, plans, and purposes that you have prayerfully been given from God. I like to think of it as a creative prayer journal. Writing the vision out by creating a vision board helps us to maintain focus and clarity of mind. It also keeps us intentional in our actions.


I liked the sound of this and thought it would be fun to make one. I also reckoned it might help me to keep my focus on what matters. I used the free version of Canva for my creation. This is the “digital” end result. I’m planning on printing off a copy and placing it where I can see it, as an ongoing reminder of what really matters:

Obviously, there are other things in my life that matter too, but I think that if we put first things first, the remainder will fall into place. On a somewhat related note, I really like this quote from “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy:

Thank you to all who have journeyed with us over the years, especially during those times when we couldn’t see a way through. We could not have done this on our own – your loving care for us has been tangible evidence of the goodness of God.

I recently came across this song by Tasha Layton and it really comforted me, I had it playing on repeat on Leah’s 24th birthday two weeks ago:

Into the Sea (It’s Gonna Be OK)

My heart is breaking
In a way I never thought it could
My mind is racing
With the question, “Are you still good?”
Can you make something
From the wreckage?
Would you take this heart
And make it whole again?

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea
Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way
I can hear my Father singing over me
“It’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok”I’ve blamed myself
And if I’m honest, maybe I’ve blamed You too
But You would not forsake me
‘Cause only good things come from You

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea
Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way
I can hear my Father singing over me
“It’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok”

From beginning to the end
You’re so close
You have never let me down and You won’t
In the valleys, in the shadows I know
You’re so close
You’re so close

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea
Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way
I can hear my Father singing over me
“It’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok”
It’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok
I’m gonna be ok, I’m gonna be ok

8 thoughts on “Eight Years

  1. Thinking of you on this 8 year anniversary of losing your precious daughter. Your post moved me to tears, unexpectedly, when I saw your vision board, and the part about the “daily walk with God”…being mindful in that way, to connect with what is sacred to us, is so powerful. thank you for the reminder. love to you, Lucia

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful absolutely beautiful tribute to Leah and a visual piece of your heart which anyone of us whose lost somebody can relate to. Thank you for sharing and I hope you don’t mind me also sharing among friends and family ❤️ xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Vicky this post is beautiful.
    Thinking of you as you hold tight to the memories of Leah kept deep in your heart ❤
    The words of the song are a lovely reminder of who we are in Christ.
    Lots of love xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Victoria, my heart weeps with yours as you and your family remember Leah. The vision board is an excellent idea. Thank you for sharing and also sharing the song. Automatically I was reminded of my own playlist with the following song on it. Perhaps it will also help you as it does me. God bless you dear friend.


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