A Toothache Journey

A Toothache Journey

After two emergency trips to the Dental Hospital in Bristol in October ’13, an emergency trip to the Dental Hospital in Belfast in November ’13 & four trips to my lovely dentist here in Derry, I have lost my toothache and my fear of dentists and gained a crown.

If only heartache could be cured as easily.

I so clearly remember sitting in the waiting area of Bristol Dental Hospital for that first appointment with scalding hot tears running down my cheeks & wondering which was worse – the pain in my jaw or the pain in my heart?

I’m thankful to have a dentist who understands our journey and a God who understands even more. This beautiful song “My Hope” sung by Kathryn Scott and Paul Baloche has been a real encouragement to me this week and the YouTube video displays some gorgeous Northern Ireland scenery.

I don’t know where you’ll take me
But I know You’re always good
My hope is built on nothing else,
Than Your great love, Your righteousness
I will not walk another way
I trust Your heart, I trust Your name
I’m holdin’ on
I’m holdin’ on, to You

You are my rock
When storms are raging all along,
You shelter me, God
I’m safe with you on solid ground,
I’m hangin’ on
I’m leaning in, to You”